Instagram advertising

Instagram advertising for boosting sales

Instagram advertising is 1 of the top routes to boost your sales, but it may take time from advertiser to set up the suitable Instagram advertising strategy.

Advertising is to send public relations and to reach more leads which in the future will turn to a customer than loyal customers.

As we say the default sales funnel that the customer will get in but Instagram will specify the route for customer towards sales.

About advertising on Instagram and the brand

There are many ways to boost sales on Instagram but it should take steps for some of them.

But before we discuss this we will take a step to the kinds of Instagram advertising.

Kind of Instagram advertising

Influencers marketing

Influencer marketing is a trusted campaign for boosting selling on Instagram and is perfect for targeting an interest, age and region.

And this content may need video content that would be perfect for this campaign.

Instagram advertising

Paying Instagram for advertising and promoting your content in Instagram is a wide option that you can promote posts, stories and reels.

Also, it gives the advertiser benefits to share links for the store and being able to an integer with Facebook pixel for conversions.

How to promote post in Instagram?

First, you have to own a business account on Instagram and a store for selling products. (If needed)

Instagram advertising is only using the Instagram mobile application the web version of Instagram doesn’t includes Instagram advertising.

Instagram application only.

Then boost your post if it’s appeared the blue button for boosting posts, stories and reels.

Choose your goal of Instagram advertising like messages or website conversion.

Advertising on Instagram kind of goals and targets

  • Website conversion: Setting up pixels for website conversion pages is required for this goal.
  • Messages on Instagram or messages on WhatsApp.
  • Reactions: reach people who are react with your content type or target audience.
  • Reach: Good for announcement.

It’s time to choose your audience you should know how to choose the advertising audience that you are targeting.

Finally, specify the budget and period of Instagram ads by days.

If you didn’t add a payment it will ask for payments after you set up your advertising.

How to follow Instagram advertising insights?

There is 3 ways to follow Instagram insights:

  • Your insights will appear at the bottom of promoted post reel or story at the Instagram application.
  • You can also follow Instagram advertising insights especially payments by using the Instagram application going to the home page (feeds page) open notifications 🔔 then select promotions in the above notifications.
  • Using Facebook business account too is to create an Instagram campaign for professionals and follow insights from it or Facebook advertising application or Facebook business suite.

How much does Instagram advertising cost?

Instagram advertising have a minimum of 1$ budget per day and maximum 100$ but also, it’s flexible you can choose the suitable budget.


Is the Maximum budget for Instagram advertising.


This is the minimum budget for Instagram advertising.

The best budget for Instagram advertising

The best advertising budget decision leans on the social media specialist or digital marketer but if you are thinking deeply and need and assisting in this situation, I will share the way that we use to decide.

The best budget includes the whole campaign for a month and let us live this different situation may your situation in specifying the budget of Instagram advertising.

Best budget for an awareness campaign on Instagram

Awareness for the new brands ™️ ever it’s higher budget it’s better also decide returns to the advertiser and the market.

But make sure that you are in an awareness campaign that you are targeting the right consumer and you can sure more about that you are right when you receive reactions and follows.

Tips for an awareness campaign

  • Share content that introduces your business and try to mention your strong point.
  • Make sure your logo is clear.
  • Create a special hashtag for all your posts or every post category or both of them.
  • Try to target 2 categories of the audience for the A/B testing for the audience.
  • Make sure your reach is suitable for your area of business if it’s local or targeting one or two interests.

Best budget for conversion/sales campaign

The best budget for Instagram advertising is your income per one sale per day If this campaign is profitable increase the budget per day.

Also, it leans on the industry of your advertising and the previous budget is not final it’s perfect for starting and studying the market demand.

Conversion Instagram advertising tips

  • Show your products or services in more than 1 photo or 1 video.
  • Your target is conversion better to be added pixels to your website or order form.
  • Your target audience is smart if you are added pixels to the website or an awareness audience if not add pixels to the website.
  • Order by Instagram messages, Instagram, and calls is not very useful for some industries.

Most content that viewers react for on Instagram

The viewers react with the content before the meaning design or video will catch the viewer’s eye then s/he reacts after focusing on the content.

The content that catches viewers to react

Videos especially that include humans or animation humans 🚶.

Bright colors like red, blue, green, yellow, orange, and purple.

Comfortable music and voice-over.

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