Facebook for Ecommerce

E-commerce sales at Facebook useful tips

How E-commerce sales at Facebook are done or using social media to lead more sales and leads, here are some tips to improve your social media and E-commerce activities.

Selling product E-commerce uses these tips to improve sales on Facebook which provides a lot of tools to help you, but you may not use to use it.

One of the digital Marketing sections is social media like Facebook which are the most used around the world as the next report explains.

Facebook users in United kingdom screen from statista

Also, it’s the same amount in many countries like USA and India.

So, Facebook makes a business area, especially for E-commerce or E-business.

Tips to increase E-commerce sales at Facebook

We know that E-commerce is not an easy business but it’s profitable today, due to the easy steps that you provide for clients and buyers.

e commercerevenueinworldwide1163981830395533714.
Screen from statista Q E-commerce revenue in worldwide

Also, it’s an operation that needs management responsibility and tasks to be in the right way.

But you have to know that increasing revenue using Facebook needs some work like analysis which is leaning on new and real insights.

So, I will organize the tips to not take you in a deep of words.

1- Have a plan for more sales using Facebook

The target here is clear just put the plan, the target to lead consumers from Facebook to E-commerce page or website, and to take action.

Part of taking the action in website one of User experience design for your eCommerce.

Put at Facebook you should magnet with your logo, brand name, products you will never reach in a short time like 1 month or less, maybe advertising can make that difference.

You have to make a real plan, specified, make it possible and in your budget.

A real plan for E-commerce sales using Facebook

You have to be in reality and take every step leaning on real numbers, collect data and analyze every idea and detail, It may take time but motivate yourself by the future target you specified like 50 sales Daily in 90 days, not in 30 days, and not 500 sales in 90 days.

Specified planning for Facebook

We specified in the last topic in the example 50 sales in 90 days, So we can after specified target say how many visits I need and followers from Facebook.

Make it possible

You have to be in reality and lean on real data again I said because the real number of the people who buy from the reach and followers make difference between one to another.

You should lean in your Facebook page insights for this information and compare between the same competitor.

In your budget

To make a Facebook plan for sales in your budget

You have to schedule your payments to make the perfect money flow system in your E-commerce or Business, and these details will be available if you have drawn the route of the plan.

The costs would be in the following need for Facebook:

  • Content write.
  • Media creation.
  • Advertising (optional).
  • Adding products.
  • Events.
  • Offers.
  • Join Marketplace.

Maybe its cost average is 15$ a day and sometimes less, So it’s 450$ monthly for marketing.

2- Research and reports

Of course, leaning on this data will not make you lose, the reports would explain the following:

  • Market research
    • Competitors
    • Products
  • Competitor research
    • Deep information about products.
    • Client or customer details.
  • Client research
    • Product information
    • Client needs.

After you have all this information you can easily make a SWOT analysis

3- SWOT analysis

Swot analysis if it’s ready or not, the update is necessary maximum every 3 months the market changes today is faster.

SWOT will help you in Facebook sales let me tell you why?.

Facebook is like a public relations and informational flow platform, when you share your strengths and cover your weaknesses as benefits you already have an opportunity to get customers’ loyalty.

Sharing the strengths that make you unique in the market will improve your sales.

4- Marketing in Facebook not I am here buy now

I don’t mean anything with that title just all I want to do is explain the right strategy to lead sales in Facebook for E-commerce.

Marketing is a study leans on reports that explained above, this way of thinking will make a massive change in your business thinking.

5- Competition is not the price only

Price is one of the competition’s strategies that may make your eCommerce or Business unique, but that’s not the only way to lose today and earn tomorrow.

Reducing costs to sell cheap or save losing money is not the only way but the weak business way.

Add value to product customer will pay more to get the product in good condition or to communicate with formal people the same like him, or to receive a high-value package design and material.

All these things may improve your revenue in sales on Facebook because your loyal client that you impressed when he met a product that you shared he will suggest the product to any of his friends or family without shy or something like that.

6- The 7 rights

The 7 rights are the 7 things that you have to do at a rate more than good or 3/5 to increase your sales I social media or anywhere.

  1. Right product.
  2. Right place.
  3. Right time.
  4. Right condition.
  5. Right price.
  6. To the right customer.
  7. Right quantity.

These 7 rights are in logistics but we can apply them in marketing also to guarantee results.

7- copy writing

Until we are talking about social media the second thing that viewers look at is content from the first words they decide for your brand.

He is collecting your data for the first time he has seen your post, So he will judge one description for your brand to add an advantage or disadvantage in his mind about you.

So be always ready for the first met.

8- visual content creation

The first thing that will help them reach or viewer who is swapping on Facebook to decide to read this post or not.

Social media management for Facebook to lead more sales for eCommerce

We can manage all this operation on Facebook or social media, due to our knowledge in digital marketing and other related fields.

If you joined us we can make the research and analysis to put the plan together or to only help you in that.

Our responsibility is the following:

  • follow the plan as explained in sheets and meetings.
  • Collecting our data for work.
  • Content creation and editions.
    • Designs or videos.
    • Copywriting contents.
  • Publish in time and apply the 7 rights.
  • Reports.
  • Risk management and plan B.
  • Suggestions and useful information.

All this operations is under the supervision and organization Zone1on.

Each member of the team is assigned the appropriate tasks.

Payments with Zone1on for official businesses by official contracts to save all parts from any kind of losses.

Schedule a meeting or chat with sales using the next buttons.

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