Bluehost hosting

Bluehost hosting company

Bluehost hosting one of the best hosting for WordPress websites and other sites, bluehost It exceeded hosting standards, as it achieved many advantages for users, the most important of which is the advantage of site speed.

About Bluehost Hosting

Bluehost Hosting has been the spoiled girl in the global EIG group since it joined it in 2010. For your information, the EIG group is the one that controls the best foreign hosting companies in the world.

After that, EIG focused on hosting Blue host in the recent period to outperform the rest of the hosting companies in the group.

It also provided Blue Host servers with modern technologies in order to maintain the top spot.

Bluehost Hosting feauters

Bluehost hosting features

One of the most important features of Bluehost hosting is that it has developed all the infrastructure in types of web servers and added many factors to it that help speed up hosting while maintaining the stability of broadcasting for the longest period of the year.

1- Bluehost hosting speed

If you read the explanation of Bluehost on the official website, you will find that hosting upgraded to the latest technologies that speed up the WordPress site.

This is in order to provide excellent service while maintaining the company’s position in achieving a stability rate estimated at 99.98% on a regular basis.

This is what made This host reach more than 2 million websites on its servers as of the date of August 2021.
If your hosting servers were accelerated for loading it’s will help you to improve your website position on search engines, if it’s opposite, many people complain about slow servers causing delays in the progression stages of search engines.

2- Free Domain

Bluehost provides a free domain that you can get once you choose the package, even if the package is the lowest, you will get cheap hosting with a free domain, so you will save about $10 from the purchase price of a domain.

3- cPanel and Control panel

The control panel is easy and does not require experience, as it is an improved version of cPanel, so Bluehost has developed it to be unique in tweeting with a special panel in terms of design and some additions in addition to the internal organization, with the possibility of converting it to the Arabic language quite easily.

4- Back up

Bluehost backups are daily and free, even with the lowest hosting plan. With one click, you can restore your site again. You can also subscribe to the paid version of the PRO backup that enables you to restore certain files from the site in a few minutes.

5- Technical Support

Technical support on Bluehost works through 4 ways to facilitate access to all categories, so you can communicate through the phone or e-mail.

Also, by opening a ticket from the control panel, and the nice thing is to provide the Live Chat feature.

6- Free advertising coupon worth $150

An advertising coupon worth $150 for advertising in Google and Bing search engines. You get it for free when you book Bluehost hosting, but this offer is available in the Plus and Prime packages and is not available in the first package.

Bluehost Hosting pricing

About Bluehost Pricing

Bluehost providing different services and plans, From service, WordPress hosting, VPN, Domains and Servers Domains. The next list includes hosting plans for WordPress and VPN plans.

  • WordPress plans starting from $3.95 to $6.95 monthly.
  • VPN Starts from $19.99 to $59.99 monthly paid.

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