Add your website to Google search engine

Add your website to Google search engine

Add your website to Google search engine to appear your website on Google and other search engines you need to add your website to the Google search engine and other search engines.

If you are using a blogger or WordPress website, it’s all the same steps you have to do and to know too.

What you have to add in Google search engine to index your website

You have to add sitemap.xml file to the search engine console and then set up or check robot.txt.

Maybe sitemap.xml or robot.txt files are new for you or not it leans on your experience or gate, but also I will explain it more for the juniors.

Sitemap file for adding website to search engine

It’s a file that contains any page, blog, and file you shared before on the domain hosting, and it’s already on any website created by a blogger or WordPress or Shopify, etc.

This file seems like your blog page every published page is available for search engines bots to index your website by some focused words or search keywords to appear when someone search for.

You can reach this file by writing in the browser bar and add the following

“Your domain then” /sitemap.xml

But before you add sitemap and robot.txt you have to validate your domain as owner at search engine console

Validate your domain at Google search console

Login to google search console or register by your Google account.

Choose to add a website from the sidebar and then add your domain.

There is a pop up will appear to validate the domain, If you added by HTTP:// or directly it’s the same.


Now there are 5 options to validate your website if it’s not validated automatically if you are using the same account at blogger and google console account.

  1. Validate domain by HTML file.
  2. Validate domain by DNS record “domain provider validation”.
  3. Add HTML code to the website.
  4. Google tag manager.
  5. Google analytics validation.

Validate domain by domain name provider

To follow this validation option you have to copy the TXT destination that is provided by Google console.

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Click copy and then go to your domain name provider, If you are using blogger subdomain eg. ( you will not be able to validate by this way.

Manage your domain and then manage DNS and add new records and make sure you choose TXT record to add.


Then name the record (Google) or any else, and add the copied text to destination input area.

Finally, save your record, and try to check on Google console click on “check” If successfully congrats for validation if not wait for minutes and try again it takes time as regular.

Validate domain on Google console by HTML code

Choose the Html code option to validate your domain and copy HTML code.

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Add the code to your website by the following steps, If you are using blogger open the theme from the sidebar, press on the down arrow, and choose edit by HTML.

Add HTML code at the section of widgets or under the second <head> tag.

Or add HTML code in a new widget from the layout section from the sidebar of the blogger admin page.

If you are using WordPress it would be better to use the google tag manager plugin or Jetpack plugin for validation.

Validate domain own by HTML tag for WordPress by using jetpack plugin

Download an install jetpack plugin to your WordPress website.

Then go to jetpack plugin settings and choose the marketing section, at the below plugin page you will find an input area for search engines validation HTML.

Validate domain by HTML file


Download files on your device and upload them on your host files for eg. If you are using WordPress add the file at the main folder public_html.

This option is not available for Shopify or blogger.

Add a sitemap to Google console account after validating the domain name

In Google console website and at the sidebar of this website Google console.

Choose sitemaps in index section.


When getting into the sitemaps page you will find a text area to add your sitemap as the following structure.

Just add the bold section to the end of your domain link: /sitemap.xml

Remove and add your domain it’ the same for all domains and websites even also free domains or Blogspot domains.

After adding your sitemap it may take time if the status is in process.

If it’s validated so, it’s done congrats 👏.

If failed “Couldn’t fetch” check your sitemap link and try to open it if it looks like a coding page so, you are alright, If there is an error ⚠️ 404, you have to make sure you added /sitemap.xml as written.

Other sitemap feeds that you can add to Google console to improve your domain in search engine

You can add also the following feeds:

  • /atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=701&max-results=100
  • /Atom.xml
  • /feeds/posts/summary
  • /feeds/posts/default

Use the last addons to your domain for example: domain .com/ (add here the las listed maps)

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