User experience is known as UX which is a part of web page design it rates how much a web page is responsive, fast loading, readable, clickable, and manageable by the user.
To be more detailed in the next lines you will know what User Experience includes.
User Experience for web page includes
- Coloring: colors effect the user experience for example background and text (also links colors) colors should be different one of them is dark and one is light to be more readable and comfort for reading.
- Font and container size: the fonts for texts and containers could be accessible to change to maximize or minimize due to different users’ needs, if not accessible which is okay it should be clear to ordinary people in device types.
- Devices types screen flexibility: today there are many types of devices like Mobiles, and laptops with different screen sizes, so web pages should be flexible to fit all devices screens.
- Web page loading speed: expert user experience have to test web page speed and aim to fix any reasons cause low speed of loading page content, users need to access what they want as fast as they can.
Why user experience is important for web pages?
User experience today is mandatory for successful web pages to achieve its goals for example sharing articles web page have a goal to reach the most audience and make sure they read it from start to end.
And at this example the goal will not be achieved if the user is not comfortable with reading or using the web page to get his needa which is information at this example.
Also, consider that the Google search engine is ranking web page results by their user experiences. Due to Google search engine data leaks by first of June 2024
User experience measurment tools
Expert user experience is using tools to measure their web page performance and user experience with their web page.
Google analytics for user experience
Google analytics is one of the most common tools to measure web page user experience performance.
And to be more specific their are 3 factors in Google analytics to put your eye on while measuring user experience with web page.
- Bounce rate: which is the rate of scrolling or acting with web page 100% means that user doesn’t take any action with page which is not good result and 10% means the user have been reading 90% of your web page which is an excellent result.
- Returning of users: return of users to the same web page means that user like your web page experience and he is ready to replay this experience again which is a very good factor you have to follow up with.
- Session duration: which focuses on how much time a user spends using your web page and it should be high as possible and spend a few time to read or take an action throw the web page.
The user experience is important for marketing and achieving web page goals whether the goal is to sell products, reach an audience, or request users to take an action. So, the knowledge of what user experience is, its importance, and how to measure its success is helpful and a must skill for marketers, designers, and web page creators.